Summer Tattoo Fest - Odesa 2017. Video and photo report.

To begin with, Odessa is an extraordinary city, with historical architectural buildings, cultural monuments, shady manicured squares, ornate streets, paved with paving stones and colorful welcoming local residents. Also, the festival turned out to be original, bright, and saturated.
So, the first day of the festival.
On this day, the masters of our studio participated in the nominations "black and gray" and "finishing / whipping", namely:
- master Alex Raileanu with the author's sketch "Descent into the abyss"
- master Boris Bor-T with the author's sketch "Pripyat"
- master Edward Ed with the author's sketch "Gangster"
- master Serge Dolgier with work "Angel"
Also, the guys brought to the festival of models, with their healed works (homework), who took part in various nominations for the healed works.
In the Dohodork nomination, master Alex Raileanu won the honorary “3rd place” with work Space - sleeve. a >
On the second day of work performed:
- master Serge Dolgier with a sketch "Over the horizon" in the nomination "new school / neo traditional" p>
- Edward with work "Fox" in the nomination "graphics"
Well, on the third and final day:
- master Boris Bor-T with the author's sketch "Creator" in the "color" nomination
- master Alexander Raylyanu with a sketch "Radioactive" also in the category "color"
All the guys managed to get a tattoo in the allotted time, and were satisfied with their work.
On the whole, the convention was successful, the guys worked hard, adequately represented our studio and country. We sincerely and proudly congratulate our master Alexander on a well-deserved victory. Our team has gained great experience in participating in festivals of this kind, and also made new acquaintances. As they say, there is no limit to perfection, and by this, each of the participants recognized their strengths and weaknesses.
I would like to note that almost 90 artists took part in the festival, and realizing how much serious struggle and competition awaits us, we went no longer for prizes, but to learn from experience and communicate. To take part in such an event, by such a large team, is a huge and rich experience, and of course we went behind the atmosphere of tattoo culture and the festival as a whole.
We have prepared for your attention a photo report, a video report (click here) , and for those who are interested in taking a look at all the works of the festival, here is the link to the festival’s official page.