
General rules:
- Absolutely exclude visits to baths, saunas or gyms for a month after making a tattoo
- Postpone trips to seas or visits to sun parlours for a month after making a tattoo too
- When being exposed to the sun, use a sun protection cream with high UV filter, so that the tattoo would not fade and your rest would be comfortable
Way number one:
Use Suprasorb-F healing film. This film is applied on the work made right after the session. You shall keep this film for six or seven days after the tattoo is made. The advantages of this way of care are:
- total tattoo protection from outer infections and mechanical damages
- possibility to take a shower on the second day after sticking it
- moderate physical exercises and loads
The lymph and excessive pigment gather under the film on the second day. This is a normal thing and should not make the tattoo bearer worry. The contents gathered under the film start drying up during the following days, up to the sixth say of film application. On the sixth or seventh day evening, wet the film with warm water for more effective film removal and then take it off slowly and carefully. Then wash your tattoo with soap and pat it dry with a paper towel. Then moisturise the tattoo with cream and continue doing it when required (if your skin is dry) for 4 or 5 days. Tattoo may be considered healed when peeling and dryness disappear and the tattoo becomes matt.
Way number two:
Take care with children’s ointment – Bepanthen (namely ointment, not cream or gel). Apply the ointment as a thin layer, so that the skin would enrich with oxygen. Do not cover and do not wrap up the tattoo (neither with film, nor with swaddle, nor with bandage).
Before applying the ointment, wash your tattoo with a foamy and soapy solution and boiled or distilled lukewarm water. When you wash the tattoo with such a solution, you remove the lymph, excessive pigment and ointment remainders. Then let your tattoo dry (for 10 or 20 minutes) and apply a thin layer of ointment. Repeat this procedure from 3 to 5 times per day during 3 or 5 days. Moisturise your tattoo with the same ointment (a thin layer of ointment one or two times per day) from the fifth to the tenth day. This will eliminate dryness until the tattoo is completely healed. If using this method, you should not touch the tattoo with dirty hands and, what is more, itch it. Do not remove the crust in any way. Neglecting these rules will entail tattoo damaging.
P.S. Tattoos needing a correction are made for free, WITHIN A MONTH. If you have any questions about tattoo care, please, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.

Eyebrows. Wash the pierce with 3% hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine during the healing period (from 10 to 45 days, depending on location). Also regularly use Levomecol ointment. We recommend you doing this procedure from 5 to 8 times per day, during the first ten days (the number of procedures may be reduced to 3 or 4 times per day, after the tenth day). Wet a cotton pad abundantly with the solution and wipe the pierce. Take care that the solution should penetrate into the channel. Remove all solid crusts and exudations from the place of piercing.
Rotate the decoration slowly and carefully after each treatment procedure, in order to remove exudations from it. Use Levomecol twice per day: in the morning and in the evening. Apply the ointment with a cotton stick: a small amount on the decoration itself, then rotate it, so that the ointment would penetrate into the channel.
The following care procedure is used in case of such pierces as belly button or nipples:
In case of nipples, it is preferably to wear sport bras, without lacework or foam cups, so that the pierce would breathe.
If the belly button is pierced, exclude the garments made of pile fabrics, as well as the garments that may have a mechanical impact on the pierce (for instance, high waist jeans). During the whole period of healing:
- avoid traumas in the pierce area
- do not touch it with dirty hands
- do not change the decoration until the pierce is completely healed (from 1 to 6 months).
Recommendations for such pierces as: tongue, mouth – frenulum – smile and anti-smile, lip – Monroe, Madonna, Jellyfish, Labret.
Lip piercing, as well as other kinds of mouth cavity piercing need special care, since the bacteria in and near the mouth increase the risk of infections. Moreover, there is also an increased risk of transmission of certain diseases but decoration may cause problems with teeth and gingivae.
Take care of the pierce, keep it clean and dry, do not disturb and do not touch the pierce, and then it will heal properly. You should also avoid some foodstuffs and activities. Rinse the mouth with an alcohol-free mouth cavity rinser or with a solution made of 3% hydrogen peroxide + water, for 30 seconds, after each meal, drink or smoke*. Do not forget, as well, to rinse the mouth before going to bed.
* To prepare a hydrogen peroxide and water solution, stir up ¼ of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of boiling water.
If you have any questions about tattoo care, please, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.

After this procedure is done, apply a (thick layer of) petroleum ointment to protect the damaged skin area from bacteria and microbes. After you come home, carefully remove the petroleum ointment with a dry napkin, with clean hands. Then apply a thin layer of LEVOMECOL ointment. This ointment contains antibiotic contributing to effective healing and fading. Before applying the ointment, wash your tattoo with a foamy and soapy solution and boiled or distilled lukewarm water. When you wash the tattoo with such a solution, you remove the lymph, excessive pigment and ointment remainders. Then let your tattoo dry for 10 or 15 minutes and apply a thin layer of ointment. Repeat this procedure from 3 to 5 times per day during 7 or 14 days, until the crusts and dryness completely disappear.
If there appear crusts, do not remove the, otherwise, there will form scars. The crusts will drop off all by themselves, with ointment. Do not itch them. Repeat the laser colour correction procedure after a minimum of a month or a month and a half. The recommended interval is two months. This time period is needed for complete healing of the damaged skin area. Exclude saunas, swimming pools, baths, intensive physical exercises, exposure to the open sun and sun parlours, during the healing period.
After this procedure is done, there appears erythema and swelling that may last for up to a week.
If dense areas are lightened, there may appear wheals, however, that should not frighten you. What is crucially important, you should NOT poke them and should apply the ointment very carefully. Such wheals will be absorbed in a day or two. If you have any questions about tattoo care, please, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.